Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mandala Art

Mandala Art is very colorful and pretty but it depends on the person on how stressful it can be to make on.  In my art class we are doing mandalas and I would say that it is pretty fun for me. In a Mandala you find many different patterns and it looks pretty difficult to do. The steps to making a Mandala is to measure a triangle to the shape of the paper you're drawing it on make it to where the triangle is able to flip and rotate 6 or 8 times. (You're going to have to do some math to measure it all out right to be able to make it work.) On that triangle you make a design. Once you have that design you use a light box or some sort to trace your design to the back side of the triangle. Once you have that you get carbon tracing paper. You trace over your drawing on the carbon paper that's lied on top of the paper you are putting your Mandala on then you flip and rotate to get the pattern design. Once you got your Mandala done you color it how ever you wish. If I wasn't able to give clear instructions I'm sorry I tried my best to teach you what I learned from my art class. Here are some example mandalas I got off google because my Mandala isn't finished. 


  1. These are so cool, I remember doing one at the beginning of the year

  2. Love mandala`s they are so pretty and detailed.

  3. the drawings are pretty ��i would like to draw that some time .

  4. I love the way Mandala's look & its kinda funny that you put this blog up since we're making one for our project😂
