Art is EVERYWHERE!! Look to your left there is art, look to your right there is art, and look in front of you there is art. Art is just that amazing. It can be made out of everything and anything. It all depends on your point of view on things to consider what you think is art and what isn't but in reality it's ALL art. People make art out of pens and pencils, paper, rocks, beads, food, clothes, etc. Some people get junk and make art out of it in the most creative and most beautiful ways. I love it!! It shows creativity and character people have. It's amazing what you can do with anything to make art. Not everyone will like it though, everyone has different point of views. Here's are some different art projects:
in this lovely art work the artist used make up to create different tones to create this women.
in this piece of art work the artist used plastic spoons and forks, straws, caps, etc.
in this art work the artist used junk mail to create this beauty.